SCROLL DOWN FOR 7 FREE VIDEOS, and experience a taste of taking Fashion Design and Fashion Illustration course online!

drawing fashion with Laura Volpintesta

I’m Laura Volpintesta.

I’m  a fashion designer, illustrator, performing artist and mama who started FASHION ILLUSTRATION TRIBE to create fashion design and fashion illustration course and community for positive, creative souls to express themselves freely, joyfully, passionately, and skillfully….through the art and crafts of fashion design and beyond after 25 years teaching hundreds of aspiring designers at Fashion Design at Parsons School of Design in NYC.

YOU love fashion, design, expression, people, colors, textures, senses, music, adornment all as expressions of LIFE ITSELF. 

YOU always knew you were called to have your voice in fashion and art 

but were either discouraged by people, by cost, by needing to travel or not having the time, or NOT BELIEVING IN YOURSELF.  

We can overcome ANY of these obstacles.

We are here find YOUR voice in freedom and flow, and I’m here to encourage you and guide you towards your deeper self through the new skills, experience, confidence and discoveries we make here together in unique, lovingly crafted digital courses and coaching. 

click to visit my art print, clothing and stationery shop! Leave a comment, say hello!

Hi, I’m Laura :0)

I’m an artist, educator, illustrator, author  of the Language of Fashion Design .

I love to enthusiastically encourage and support YOUR journey to facing your fear and finding your voice.

….unravelling the mysteries of fashion design, and art for you from Patternmaking…to Model Drawing…. to Sketching…to Fabrics… to Portfolio. 

This is why I created a 
Fashion Design and Fashion Illustration course online based on my experience and passion TO NURTURE YOURS!!!

We’ll customize your path so you can learn the techniques and bring out your true voice. 

 25 plus years on the fashion design faculty at Parsons School of Design in NYC led to my creating their first Online Fashion Illustration and Design studio course.ever.

Fashion is culture.

People. Society, History, Art, Music, Fashion is craft, skill, technique.

It’s Color, print, pattern, texture, lifestyle, costume, function, fantasy.

Menswear, Womenswear, childrenswearOuterwear, eveningwear, streeetwear. Lingerie, swimwear, accessories.  All Seasons, all styles.. It’s real life models and it’s business models, moving ethically in the world.

It’s Model drawing. Digital drawing. Watercolors , gouache. Flats,, fashion illustrations, croquis books, line sheets, creative and technical design processes.  Mood boards, inspiration and research. It’s Fashion Pattermaking. and Draping.

What calls YOU to go deeper? What inspires you?  What are you afraid of? What stops you in your tracks?   I WANT TO KNOW!

Hit me up at info@fashionillustrationtribe.com and tell me everything  Let’s dive in

Browse the blog for more inspiration and surprise!   Love, Laura

NOW FOR YOUR FREE VIDEO BUNDLE! SEE Mini Fashion Design and Fashion Illustration course VIDEOS below

VIDEO #1 What's proportion and what does it mean to us? (ps we WON'T be distorting bodies here!)

What’s “proportion” all about and what does it mean to YOU? HOw is that going to help you get a handle on drawing figures that look and feel the way YOU want them to? watch MODEL DRAWING AND PROPORTION below.

(go deeper in this area thru Model Magic online program)

Video #2: Drawing without Fear

Forget about fashion , bodies, figures, clothes and models…… for a minute.

this video is about your source and your inspiration.

It’s about getting to roots, to the root of your drawing, your emotion, your sensation, and vital energy that infuses your drawings with meaning, feeling, expression, dynamics and depth.

We draw to express. We draw to inform.  We draw to Imagine. We draw to flow.

This is where it all begins. This is the PRIMER video for all of my drawing courses!

VIDEO # 3 Art Supplies for Fashion Design and Illustration Course Online

This video takes you into the core kit of supplies I assign in all of my fashion illustration courses and fashion design portfolio courses, both online and in-person, to give you everything you need to create ANALOG , natural, rich quality art that lasts.

You want to have art supplies that awaken the senses and create a sense of rich quality. Having a set of tools that is concise , quality, and versatile equals freedom of expression of all kinds of textures and moods!

VIDEO #4 GET FLUIDITY IN YOUR WORK (Video below) with LIQUID media! PLUS understanding SHADIING

If you’ve been with me a while, you’ve learned a few things about me!

One of my great convictions in my experience in becoming expressive and comfortable in model drawing and fashion illustration is the POWER of using different kinds of art supplies 


Every tool you learn will pull up a different part of your SOUL! I”m serious! 

Today  we will fuse SKILL with SOUL using gouache watercolors and  brush to build figures in a way that is  TRULY LIQUID!  

We’ll also get deep into the reality that  SHADING adds tons of form and depth to your art, as well as movement and texture.  DON’T MISS IT!

Could there any better way to find fluidity and flow in your work than to use liquid media?

VIDEO #5: "what is line quality?" How does it give dimension and "pop" to your work??(below)

This video starts with a pep-talk and then I walk you through a time lapse  video that shows you what’s possible when illustrating on the iPad digitally, since all of the other videos here today are on paper with analog supplies,

I want to show you what is also possible when we translate over to iPad. 

It’s up to you : what makes YOUR heart sing? If you love the effects, check out FACE VALUE- a Digital Fashion Art Course 


Inevitably you’re going to feel like “it’s all hopeless” sometimes. 

It happens. Your’re so focused on where you want to go that you forget to see how far you’ have come.

Any “gunk ” that you’ve got lurking in the background telling you you “aren’t enough” or are “incapable” or “undeserving” or “untalented  ” or any other difficult beliefs WILL rear their heads from time to time and allowing them to say their piece and then remind yoursel of the TRUTH OF WHO YOU ARE is a habit you’ll be revisiting often.

Have you ever tapped on it with EFT?


FREEDOM FASHION core course- a COACHING PACKAGE including a semester's worth of fashion design and illustration study with! PLUS unlimited support in our private course community area. Pace it yourself and stay as long as you wish, you've got lifetime access

Video #7 What if you "CAN'T DRAW " and want to be a fashion designer or illustrator??

There are sooooooo many fascets to WHY we want to make fashion.

Is it because we love to draw? Maybe we don’t even WANT to draw?

There has never been ONE SINGLE RECIPE for the skill set that makes a designer.

Especially these days, there are so many ways to create innovative beautiful garments and adornments without even drawing…

remember, even sewing is a form  of drawing. 

Choosing colors, trims, and fabrics is a form of designing without drawing.

Drawing is awesome, but it isn’t the only way.

It’s one of the tools and ways we can jot down our ideas.

We also want to learn the vocabulary involved, and to get a strong sense of our personal message, approach, strengths, and style! 

I know you’ll love this video:

Online Fashion Courses: art and design at FashionIllustrationTRIBE.com with author Laura Volpintesta
Learn to bring together Swatches and gouache in a semester-sized full on foundation in fashion design process from sketching to concept develolpment to create your portfolio
Fashion Design ILlustration Course Online with Laura Volpintesta
Fashion Design ILlustration Course Online with Laura Volpintesta
Click to start your journey today with 8 masterclasses and homework!

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