Finally, a fashion illustration course that addresses design, too. That is fun, friendly, not “cut-throat” or cold. A vibrant, diverse, creative space where you can let loose, unwind, and let that magic in you take flight once and for all! And a fabulous community, to boot. Welcome to
Study Fashion Illustration Online!

Fashion Illustration Course Spring Semester sessions

are now open at Fashion Illustration TRIBE!

March 1 doors open to receive your first masterclass! SIGN UP NOW by clicking the images below.

Why not dive in now? — that dream that has been on hold…. Are you afraid you can’t do this? Do you think that “art” is out of your reach, especially fashion art?

Remember this, if you LOVE it, it is in you. You just need tools, and experience.

I have packaged exactly that for you in my ONLINE FASHION SEMESTER modeled after my college classes and industry experience!

I’ve been teaching fashion design and Fashion Illustration for 20 years at my alma mater, Parsons School of Design in NYC. I’m a freelance fashion designer and illustrator,fashion author, instructor and motivational speaker.

I’m also a mom and an artist/ musician. All of this fuels what I do.  I believe that love and creativity are our birthright.

Whether for your career OR for the pure JOY of creative experience and growth, I have created this course to unlock the mysteries of art and fashion for you. Each week takes you deeper, from beginner to experienced, in Fashion Illustration and Design Studio techniques!

Sketch models. Try out your ideas on paper. Present them. Learn technical detail sketching. Fill a sketchbook, create inspiration boards. Learn gouache watercolors, pen and ink, even digital drawing apps.

These are skills and tools that I expect you to enjoy FOR A LIFETIME, like I have. Also– I believe in ethical fashion and fully embrace and encourage diversity. All ages, cultures, sizes and shapes are fashionable and beautiful in our community!

I created this course on MY experiences as a student, as well as my experience working with thousands of fashion students from beginners to design to graduates creating their PORTFOLIOS! I’ve loaded it with all of my favorite “a-HA” lessons and tips.
Study Fashion Illustration OnlineClick the images to visit the registration pages for the Fashion Illustration and Design semester classes or coaching. Scroll below to follow me on for even more FREE livestream classes and updates, all week line! You can share your fashion illustrations (whatever your skill or level in your journey) with other inspired and inspiring fashionistas on in our Facebook group Fashion Tribalistas by clicking here.

Fashion Design Illustration Coaching

 You can sign up for my fashion illustration course, or just check out the lifestreams on Periscope to get a lot of lessons!Laura Volpintesta, fashion illustration tribe, on Periscope


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