Fashion Sketching for Beginners!

Fashion Drawing for Beginners Laura Volpintesta, Fashion Illustration Tribe

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But you lucked out landing on this blog post, because it includes THREE DELICIOUS instruction videos about fashion sketching for beginners.

I teach you exactly how to build a straight and posed, customizable figure that  relates to real bodies and design in video one at the bottom of the page.

In TODAY’s videos 2 and 3 I WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO USE THE CROQUIS as a TEMPLATE to sketch your designs! (FUN FUN FUN)!!!!

Put all of these skills together and you are WELL ON YOUR WAY!

Here are some examples of garments and collections sketched over a “flat doll” or croquis template, which gives all of the garments for the group the same look and relative size, which is always really important to communicate clearly for a particular project. 

(of course, you can adjust the body for different collections, but for one collection, use one body).

Personally, I like to design for my own body.  (And it’s always changing this way and that!)

Fashion Sketching for Beginners, Laura Volpintesta

Fashion Sketching for Beginners- Laura Volpintesta- Line sheet- flats


Then we use Sketch paper to see the body through the paper while we dressed it up into our new concept, ….

I hope you’ll share your progress in the Fashion Tribalistas Facebook  Group or comment below to let me know how this helped you! share with your friends too.

check out the video:

To see that I used a day lit window to trace clean and more refined design sketches onto the not so transparent Bristol… as I trace, I can add or subtract details and “fix” things that seem to need fixing in my designs or drawings.

Tracing will give me a new copy on the better paper for my final illustrations after I color up my casual sketchbook page.

Stay tuned for the next step, I’m uploading the videos step by step.

Keep the LOVE in fashion!  What drives YOU!!

Any questions or comments are welcome below.

I can really help you develop your vision and skill while creating a body of work in my INTENSIVE COURSE based on my Parsons classes that I have taught for over 15 years!! (whew!!).  Check it out if you’re curious or share if you know who needs it!


learn fashion online, Laura Volpintesta, signature, Fashion Illustration Stribe fashion school

Laura Volpintesta, Fashion Illustation Tribe

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